
  • Grades K - 2nd
  • Grades 3rd - 5th
  • Grades 6th - 8th
  • Ages 6 - 9
  • Ages 10 - 12
  • Ages 13 - 15

Are you looking for a fun and engaging Kid’s Recreational Soccer League for your kids to participate in? Check out our K-8 4v4 Soccer League!

BGCAZ Athletics’ Soccer program is a K-8 CoEd 4v4 league that focuses on player development and, more importantly, FUN! Players and coaches will meet an hour before their game for practice and then will roll right into their games. All practices and games take place on Saturdays during the 9-week season.

The first two weeks of the season will be 1.5-hour practices, followed by 5 weeks of one-hour practice plus one game. Then, the final two weeks are playoffs – no practice!

Each athlete will be provided with a jersey and shorts. Shin guards, non-metal cleats, and a water bottle are required for all athletes. Parents will need to commute their athletes to one of four sites, selected during registration.

The champions of each site will meet for the Final Four Games in week 9.

BGCAZ Athletics is proudly supported by our title sponsor, BOK Financial, and our program sponsors: Fiesta Bowl Charities, Jr. Suns, and The Jerry Colangelo Hall of Fame Series