Christian A.| Chandler Compadres Branch
Christian shows great leadership and responsibility to his younger siblings, as well as around his Club. The perseverance he has displayed through adversity, the initiative he has taken around the community, and the leadership he has displayed to his peers and his family have been beyond his years.
Christian enjoys participating in volunteer work. He has volunteered for a Turkey Drive and a Christmas Drive to help give back to the community. He also likes to dance and is involved in Folklorico, a traditional dancing club. He wants to go to college to major in business and marketing. In the future, he knows he wants to be involved and help the youth.
In his spare time, he likes to play soccer and basketball with his friends. He is good at, and enjoys cooking. He also loves to dance and is good at Folklorico, which is why he got involved with the club at school.
Q: What is one thing (or your favorite thing) you’ve had the opportunity to do because of the Boys & Girls Club?
I had the opportunity to join the Boys & Girls Club Hip-Hop Club. I had so much fun because we ended up preforming and it was pretty cool.
Q: If you could live in a book, tv show, or movie, what would it be and why?
If I could live in a TV show I would live in Cobra Kai. Why cobra kai? Because its sick and I would get to learn karate!
Q: What’s your favorite quote or saying? (something you live by, inspirational, leadership)
I always go by two things: First, treat others the way you want to be treated. Second, a quote from the lion king, “the past can hurt but you can either run from it or learn from it”.
Learn more about Chandler Compadres Branch