Miley H. | Sands Branch
A sophomore at Deer Valley High School, Miley is known at the Sands Branch as a shining example of dedication and commitment. Whether it’s staying after hours to help with Keystone projects or stepping in to make sure other Club members feel included, Sands Branch staff can always rely on Miley to be a helping hand. Miley appreciates that the Club gives her the freedom to take charge in a safe environment, get constructive feedback on how to become a better leader, and learn how to empathize and interact with those of different personalities and backgrounds. Outside the Club, Miley is a skilled athlete who has been a member of her school’s varsity softball team since her freshman year.
Miley grew up as the oldest of three siblings, and often took on the role of a caretaker in her family with her parents working long hours. The Club helped Miley balance feelings of responsibility for her siblings, and supported her through mental health struggles brought on by the pandemic. Motivated by these formative experiences, Miley aspires to attend Northern Arizona University to become a psychologist and help care for the well-being of others.
Q: Where do you think you would be without the Boys & Girls Club? / What advice would you give to young people about joining the Club?
Without the Boys & Girls Club, I’d probably be sitting in my room all day not being very productive like I am here. I would procrastinate all my homework unlike at the Club where I get work done. The advice I’d give to younger members joining the Club is to try hard and listen to elders – they have made the mistakes you’re walking into so try your best to hear them out!
Q: Do you have any special skills or talents?
I’m left-handed but can swing right-handed for softball. I'm also very skilled with my words. And I have been learning American Sign Language for almost 2 years!
Q: What’s your favorite quote or saying?
My favorite quote is, “If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.” -Frank A. Clark. This is my favorite quote because most people try to take the easy route because they do not want to deal with challenges. All they are doing is avoiding the inevitable.
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