
Boys & Girls Clubs of the Valley Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation whose sole function is to preserve and grow an endowment fund dedicated to the support of Boys & Girls Clubs of the Valley.

1. Support the Foundation
The Foundation receives gifts of cash, securities, life insurance, real estate, and collectibles from individuals from all walks of life. Funds may also be gathered through bequests from estate plans (wills/trusts) as well as partial interests in retirement plans (401(k)/IRA). These gifts offer many benefits to the donor and his or her family, as well as support for the future of Boys & Girls Clubs of the Valley.
The Foundation may elect to make a sizable contribution to the operating budget of the Clubs.
MISSION: To manage and grow the Foundation’s assets in order to benefit Boys & Girls Clubs of the Valley. To provide long-term consistency for the Clubs.
VISION: Provide 100% of the operating funds for the Clubs so that no child will be turned away.
Boys & Girls Clubs of the Valley Foundation
Tax ID #: 94-2876537

2. IRA Rollover Gifts
Have you been looking for a way to make a major gift to charity without dipping into your checking or savings account? If you are over 70 ½, you can transfer up to $100,000 from your IRA to charity in without paying any federal income tax. And this gift may be made over and above the other charitable gifts you already make. Your gift can be made, simply by notifying your IRA plan custodian of your intent to make a current transfer to us, or another charitable organization. And you will feel good knowing that you were able to make a major gift from your IRA this year.
For more information on how to make an IRA rollover gift, please contact us at foundation@bgcaz.org or call (602) 343-1258.
3. Financial Statements
Read the Independent Auditor's Report for recent years of our Foundation. You can also view detailed Statements of Financial Position, Activitites and Change in Net Assets, Functional Expenses, Cash Flows, and notes to Finnancial Statements.
Financial Statements:
IRS Form 990:

4. Leadership

John Scola
Senior Vice President of Advancement
John Scola serves as a key member of the Senior Management Team, working closely with the CEO on BGCAZ’s long-term development goals. He leads a team of resource development professionals who implement annual giving, major gifts, special events and gift planning for the organization. A seasoned Phoenix professional, John has worked with some of the Valley’s most prestigious organizations, including Phoenix Rescue Mission and the Catholic Community Foundation. He is also a sought after speaker and educator for the ASU Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation. He holds a bachelors from University of Dallas. In his free time, John can be found on the ice playing hockey!
2023 Foundation Directors
The Foundation’s Board of Directors is comprised of some of the most respected financial minds in the metropolitan Phoenix area. The Board of Directors volunteers their expertise and time to ensure Boys & Girls Clubs of the Valley has the funds to be “Where Kids Come First” now and well into the future.
- James Bosserman
- Chris Brady
- Bob Burgess
- Robert Frye
- Peter Guild
- John Keane
- Cullen Maxey
- Marcia Mintz
- Paul Muscenti
- Jeffrey Newman
- Glenn Pahnke
- Dave Sciotto
- Donna Tannatt
- Dione Thorn

5. Accreditation
Charity Navigator is America's premier independent charity evaluator. They help charitable givers make intelligent giving decisions by providing in-depth, objective ratings and analysis of the financial health and accountability and transparency of America's largest charities.
We are proud to have earned a "Four-Star Rated Charity", the highest rating an organization can receive. This rating is described as "Exceeds industry standards and outperforms most charities in its Cause."